Revision Rhinoplasty in Atlanta, GA

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What is Revision Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is one of the most sought-after cosmetic surgeries available, and patients are usually very happy with their results. However, there are some cases when a patient isn't happy with their results or they're having difficulty breathing following their rhinoplasty. If this is the case for you, revision rhinoplasty at ENT Facial Plastics and Sleep Disorder Center in Atlanta or Lithonia, GA may be a good solution. Revision nose surgery typically includes small improvements to perfect your nose's appearance or reconstruction to address its architecture, allowing for easier breathing. You don't have to settle for lackluster results or suffer from functional problems after nose surgery — arrange a consultation with board-certified otolaryngologist/facial plastic surgeon Dr. B. Terry Seymour to learn more about revision rhinoplasty and your options for achieving more aesthetically pleasing results.

What are the benefits of revision rhinoplasty?

There are many reasons why our patients seek out revision rhinoplasty. Sometimes, the adjustments are relatively minor, such as changes in the tip of the nose or correcting a small amount of asymmetry. Other times, more extensive surgery is required to correct functional or breathing problems. Either way, our trusted team at ENT Facial Plastics and Sleep Disorder Center can help. We work closely with each patient to determine exactly what revision rhinoplasty can achieve and create a personalized procedure to achieve your desired results.

What Can I Expect from Revision Rhinoplasty?

Prior to initiating revision rhinoplasty, Dr. Seymour will meet with you to learn more about your concerns, needs, and goals before designing a course of action. Dr. Seymour will use either an open or closed approach. During the open technique, which is the most common, Dr. Seymour will separate the skin, cartilage, and bone, allowing for more visibility. Dr. Seymour will then shape the nose to the desired position. The closed technique is a less invasive technique often chosen for less complicated repairs. In some cases, a cartilage or bone graft may be required to help reconstruct and strengthen the framework of the nose. The duration of your procedure depends on the amount of reconstruction and the technique used. After surgery, you will be asked to wear a nose splint for up to a week. A follow-up will be scheduled to remove the splint and stitches and so Dr. Seymour can check your healing. Due to the fact that revision surgery can most often be more complex than the original surgery, you can expect the recovery to be more lengthy. You may experience heavy bruising, swelling, and some pain for around two weeks. However, you will be left with a beautiful nose that functions properly and looks the way you desire.

What to Expect After Revision Rhinoplasty

Healing after revision rhinoplasty may take longer than recovery from a primary rhinoplasty. You may experience heavy bruising, swelling, and some discomfort for several weeks. You may be asked to wear a nose splint to protect your nose from accidental bumping. Patients should refrain from strenuous activities and blowing their noses with too much force. Dr. Seymour can provide detailed instructions on how best to care for yourself as you recover, including instructions regarding medications, cleaning the treatment areas, and when to return for follow-up appointments.

Revision rhinoplasty FAQs

How long should I wait to receive a revision rhinoplasty?

Patients who have undergone a primary rhinoplasty should wait six months to a year to receive a revision rhinoplasty. This is because it takes time for all swelling to subside and the nasal tissue to heal. The timing of your revision surgery will vary depending on the extensiveness of the procedure and what condition is being corrected.

How common are revision rhinoplasty procedures?

Revision rhinoplasties are considered common. Standard reasons for revision surgery include (but are not limited to) asymmetry, scarring, and chronic nasal obstruction. The professionals at ENT Facial Plastics and Sleep Disorder Center have performed many successful revision surgeries at our clinic, so rest assured that your surgeon has ample experience if a revision is necessary.

What kind of revisions do I need?

Revisions can include any change to the appearance of the underlying structure of your nose. During your rhinoplasty consultation in Atlanta, GA, we can discuss the possible revisions necessary to correct your specific concerns. We can even show you before and after photos of previous revision rhinoplasty patients — so you know what to expect. Our goal is to give you the nose you've always wanted.

Revise Your Rhinoplasty

ENT Facial Plastics and Sleep Disorder Center is devoted to ensuring that you receive the results you desire, even more so if you had a bad experience following your first surgery somewhere else. At the time of your consultation, we will work with you to gain an understanding of your concerns and cosmetic goals before talking about your revision rhinoplasty options to provide you with the best possible outcome. If you are ready to undergo secondary rhinoplasty surgery and are ready to schedule your consultation with board-certified otolaryngologist/facial plastic surgeon Dr. B. Terry Seymour, contact our Atlanta or Lithonia, GA facility right away.

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