ARE YOU A WOMAN WITH A BEARD? Do you have excess facial- hair that is unsightly?

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We can you both, men and women!!

We can help a woman remove the hair from her face and help keep it looking natural. Now, there is no such thing as permanently removing the hair with a laser or any other modality. There are ways that will leave scarring.

We can decrease the non gray hair, but not the gray hair.

Allow us to help you the way the pictured person has been helped? You will be so happy!!

Get your life back! Engage in friendships again and put your "best face" forward.

I am already excited for you!

Contact us:

B. Terry Seymour, III, MD

Instagram/ Facebook

404 350 9200

"There is a new you waiting to emerge"


B. Terry Seymour, III, MD

Bearded face to a smooth wonde

Both men and women who have excess facial hair can get help. some people have ingrown hair that leaves dark indurated spots on the skin. Pseudofollic

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.