Why Do I Snore?
If you, your partner, or someone you sleep near notices you're snoring, it could be impacting the sleep not only of them but you, too. Snoring is caused when air can't freely move through the nose and throat while you are asleep. This causes surrounding tissues to vibrate, leading to snoring. At ENT Facial Plastics and Sleep Disorder Center, board-certified ENT/facial plastic surgeon Dr. B. Terry Seymour offers snoring diagnostics to provide you (and those sleeping near you) relief. For more information, contact Dr. Seymour at one of his offices in Atlanta or Lithonia, GA.
Snoring Diagnostics Reviews
What Can I Expect from Snoring Treatment?
There are a variety of ways to address snoring at ENT Facial Plastics and Sleep Disorder Center. Dr. Seymour will begin by completing a physical exam to determine the root cause of your snoring and what treatment option may best serve you. For some, relief could come from a custom mouth guard worn at night. For others, a CPAP machine may be necessary to assist a person with their nightly breathing. In some instances, a surgical method may be suggested to remove certain tissues that cause snoring. Dr. Seymour may also provide you with easy solutions to help keep your snoring at bay, like avoiding alcohol before bed, quitting smoking, losing weight or maintaining a healthy weight, and establishing a regular sleeping pattern.
Stop Snoring Today
If you're sick of waking your partner — or even yourself — up at night with your snoring, it may be time to contact ENT Facial Plastics and Sleep Disorder Center in Atlanta or Lithonia, GA. Board-certified ENT/facial plastic surgeon Dr. B. Terry Seymour offers a wide variety of surgical and nonsurgical solutions to your snoring problems. For more information, contact one of our two offices to schedule a consultation today.