DID YOU KNOW?… You may look old…You may look haggard…You may look bad…Not good!!
DID YOU KNOW?...You may look old... You may look haggard...You may look bad...
You absolutely do not have to look this way. You can look as young as you feel.
70 is the new 50.
60 is the new 40.
50 is the new 35.
And, if you are younger than 50, we can help you look more youthful and great for your age!
Let us help you....
You may need some facial work. Are your eyes sunken in? Has your face dropped and you looking guant in the face? Do you have the dog laps, ie., the big nasolabial folds? is your mouth turning downward? Do you have jowling? Does your neck look horrible?
Are you always talking about your good side of your face? Are you avoiding taking pictures because you look bad to yourself?
PLEASE, let us help you!
Facelift, Rhinoplasty, Blepharoplasty, Facial Fat Transfer, PRF to the face, Hair Transplant, etc....................
We certainly can help turn back the hands of time and you will look absolutely wonderful!!!!!
Come to the expert!
Come see us:
B. Terry Seymour, III, MD
404 350 9200
"There is a new you waiting to emerge"
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