FACIAL FAT TRANSFER IS LESS EXPENSIVE THATN OTHER FILLERS!! A Facial Fat Transfer is using your own body fat to replace the fat that you have lost in your face. It ultimately grows a good blood supply and replenishes the person you were. This is in contrast to using something "OVER and OVER" again that does none of the above. Therefore significantly less expensive that other measures. With Facial Fat Transfer, it can change your features and completely enhance your appearance! You can improve the degenerated fat that has occurred to make you appear older. As it develops a blood supply alone with the artistry of Dr. Seymour, you can look much more "naturally" youthful without having to continually "repeat" the process, over and over!! Sometimes, you may require lifting of the face as the major facial ligaments become lax and begin to sag the face and the skin. Add this to the degenerated look and you see the older looking person in the mirror. ( Imagine what the others see!!). Just look at some of the movie stars as they have aged. Look at your friends and relatives...You will be able to see the degeneration of the fat and the sagging of the facial ligaments as described above.
Come to the expert!
Come see Dr. Seymour and allow him to make an excellent diagnosis of your problem and resolve it! He can improve your look to a much younger, beautiful/handsome appearance:
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"There is a beautiful you waiting to emerge"
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Come in and look younger sooner than later!!!